HVAC recruiter and restaurant recruiter, more alike than different!

HVAC recruiter cartoon imageOk, so what does a restaurant recruiter and an HVAC recruiter have in common?  Well at first blush you might say, not much.  However I think you’d be wrong.  You see in the restaurant industry, not very many of the jobs we fill require a college degree.  I suspect that for an HVAC recruiter the situation is very similar.  There is nothing wrong with honest hard work and there is nothing wrong with having a job that doesn’t require a college diploma.  Many jobs that exist in our country don’t require post-secondary education and a lot of them are in the service sector.  Sure there are jobs in the restaurant sector that require college degrees, but most of them are corporate support roles, not field jobs.  An I’m sure that there are more than a few jobs that the HVAC recruiter takes orders for that require an engineering degree.  But my bet is that by and large, the average HVAC recruiter doesn’t have to worry about much more than a high school diploma or GED.

What is the impact of this general lack of education requirement on how an HVAC recruiter or a restaurant recruiter does their job?  Well one thing is that it tends to let us focus more the candidate’s accomplishments in the actual industry rather then their pedigree prior to entry into the workforce.  It also places the recruiters in the position of being in a market niche to which some people turn up their noses.  There isn’t any glamour attached to the job because after all, we aren’t searching for rocket scientists.  But I must say that I find it rather freeing.  Looking for the exact profile for a client based upon work history, performance, and accomplishments.  Matching the candidate’s personality for a great cultural fit, rather than worrying about whether or not the candidate’s parents were well offChef in the kitchen, could be related to an HVAC technician enough to pay for college.

Now I could be wrong, and if I am, I bet that some of my favorite HVAC recruiter folks will post here in the comments section letting me know that I am off base.  Maybe they will kind enough to tell us what it is that they like about their niche – sort of a compare and contrast HVAC recruiter vs. restaurant recruiter.  It might make for a good discussion.  Also, I think that there is probably an opportunity for HVAC recruiters and restaurant recruiters to partner.  I know that in my niche, we have an awful lot of DIFs and I bet more than one restaurant person is married to and HVAC person.  😉

About the author, Chief Executive Restaurant Recruiter

Born in Arkansas, moved to FL for 3 years as a youngster. Lived in GA most of my life. Married in 1985, 2 kids, one of each. Graduate of USNA Class of 1980. Love golf, computers, poker, photography, and gadgets.

  1. Hey Jim, I didn’t post it on recruiting.com. But you will be ahppy to know that the “train wreck” claimed no victims. Karen actually has some links on my corporate website resource pages.

    BTW, I got up to #9 on Google and #4 on Yahoo within 7 days. 😉

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