OK, just a short blurb on a subject with which most of you may not be familiar. While I’ve written about Jason Goldberg on a couple of occasions here, I haven’t done so lately. Jason Goldberg is the CEO (for now) of Jobster. Jobster is some sort of career tool that tries to compete with Monster to provide a platform for jobseekers to park a resume and companies to search for candidates that might be a suitable fit for job openings. I can’t get much more accurate than that because since I’ve known about Jobster, they have changed their business plan/direction/model four times… Anyway, the reason I tell you this is just as way of background.

Last week, Jason Goldberg, in a fit of childish rage had his lawyers prepare a cease and desist letter threatening the shutdown of RecruitingBlogs.com RecruitingBlogs.com is a social networking site run on the Ning platform and created by Jason Davis – former editor of Recruiting.com (RDC), a site that he sold to Jobster just more than a year ago, which he ran under contract.  Jason Davis left his post at RDC and the employ of Jobster back on May 2nd.

When Jason Davis got the letter from Jobster’s lawyers (not sure if it was in house counsel or an outside firm) he shared it with the members of RecruitingBlogs.com. It ignited a firestorm of commentary, almost all of which was incredibly supportive of Jason Davis and his site, and extremely negative toward the attitude and actions of Jason Goldberg, et al. I participated in showing support of Jason Davis and RecruitingBlogs.com and criticized Mr. Goldberg pretty harshly for his immature behavior, lack of leadership, and inability to admit his mistakes. It wasn’t the first time that Jason Goldberg was roundly criticized by the recruiting blog-o-sphere, nor myself. Joel Cheesman has taken Goldberg to task on an number of occasions – one of the most heated discussions was titled "Is Jason Goldberg killing Jobster?"

On Mr. Goldberg’s blog, I took him to task for his rudely condescending tone, insulting treatment of bloggers, and refusal to admit his mistakes. In his last response on the subject – another attempt to change the subject and spin his way out of trouble – he suggested that we answer the question "Should CEO’s blog?" I had to laugh at the cheesiness (sorry Joel) of the question. But early this morning, I got an email which answered the question, at least with regard to Jason Goldberg and Jobster, unequivocally. If you will just click on the small picture at the beginning of this post it will lead you to a very readable enlargement. You will be able to see that it is a mass email that went out to all the clients and registered members of Jobster. Further examination (aided by the red underlines) of the email will reveal no less than THREE misspellings. Now, most people who know me know that I’m prone to making a typo here or there as well as including some misspelled words in a quickly dashed off, informal email. But to send out a mass email to one’s entire customer base, with such glaring errors gives one pause. What kind of a joke outfit is Jason running? What kind of impression does that kind of slipshod work make on the audience?

It does help me answer the question that Mr. Goldberg posed, though. Mr. Goldberg, my answer to you is no, at least YOU shouldn’t. Your time would be better spent running your company so that you could keep the embarrassing incidents to a minimum. Hey, by not blogging, you could kill two birds with one stone. You wouldn’t be as likely to stick your foot in your own mouth, and you might catch some of the mistakes that your team is apt to make before they occur.

About the author, Chief Executive Restaurant Recruiter

Born in Arkansas, moved to FL for 3 years as a youngster. Lived in GA most of my life. Married in 1985, 2 kids, one of each. Graduate of USNA Class of 1980. Love golf, computers, poker, photography, and gadgets.

  1. Animal… are you asking if he wrote the post or the email? LOL

    I can understand how you might think that he wrote the post, since it appears to be a spin piece gone wrong.

    As for the email, my guess is that the marketing department did write it. My point was that there is more than one person at Jobster that needs adult supervision.

    I just realized, however, that my supposition that Goldberg might be able to fill that role if he would stop blogging is laughable.

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