
Usually, I try to make sure that my posts deal somewhat with the restaurant industry, or candidates, or hiring managers, or dogs (my two Rotties are growing like weeds – Doobie is about 80 lbs and Roscoe is 39 lbs today.) And I know that I haven’t posted much because I’m so gosh darn busy.

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Just have time to dash off a very quick note this morning. Hopefully, this afternoon, I’ll actually have time to write a post or two for my blogs….life has been busy, but what else is new. The real news is that we have won another award. This one is the “Stamp of Excellence” from the

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Sorry for not writing any lengthy articles lately but I’ve been swamped. Had lots of business in my recruiting firm, lots of things going on with the SEO services for search firms and small business, and lots going on with my secret project. I wish I had a bigger staff so that I could assign

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Back in March wrote a post, actually more of an invitation, about connecting to me on LinkedIn. At the time I was approaching 4 million people in my network. I had gotten the idea from my good friend Dave "El Dave" Mendoza. He has a post where he invites people to connect to him on

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When it comes to motivating a hiring manager or internal recruiter to move on your submittal, remember the catchy saying….”Time kills all deals”. One of the most frustrating things to a recruiter is the lag time between finding and submitting a good candidate and getting meaningful feedback through the screening process. Think about it: how

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Hey another notch on our gun belt. I’m please to announce that the blog has won another award. This time we have won the coveted Silver Award from the folks at Personal Branding Blog. Dan Schawbel is the engine that drives the blog there, and you can tell by his blog (and his bio) that

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