Recruiter’s Bill of Rights

In response to a pretty good article that was written by John Younger and published on Accolo, which I originally found on ItzBIG, I thought that it might spark some discussion and certainly would be helpful to compare and contrast the elements of the Candidate’s Bill of Rights and what I will be calling the Recruiter’s Bill of Rights.
As usual, debate and discussion are encouraged. I’d love some input on elements that I have included, and perhaps things that I have forgotten, overlooked, or just plain left out.

Carl Chapman announces his proposed “Recruiter’s Bill of Rights”, focusing on the importance of fairness, communication and mutual respect throughout the recruiting process.


–– Recruiter’s Bill of Rights ––(beta)

ConfidentialityRecruiters are entitled to have confidentiality and security of the information shared with prospective candidates regarding the companies with whom the recruiter is working and the positions which he is trying to fill. Any sharing of information with colleagues or co-workers should only be done with express prior permission of the recruiter.

CredibilityCandidates that apply for positions or express interest in a position during recruitment will do so and substantiate that he or she is willing to accept a new position based upon the criteria that is outlined to the recruiter. This means that a candidate is ready, willing, and able to commit to a job change for an acceptable offer.

AccuracyThe resume and all other documents presented to the recruiter accurately depicts the experience, work history, and accomplishments of the candidate. All items will be a true representations of fact.

ConsiderationAll interested candidates, will work with the recruiter based upon their ability and aptitude, and that consideration should be free from racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and intolerance.

ConsistencyDecisions to accept or reject offers will be made on the basis of facts and parameters discussed with the recruiter prior to the candidate receiving an offer. There will be no eleventh hour “gotta haves” that are sprung on the recruiter.

Follow UpRecruiters are entitled to consistent communications regarding the status of their candidate, regardless of the how busy the candidate might be or any change in the status of the candidate as regards his or her job search. Recruiters make their living by being available for phone calls, they are always available or have a system of notification such as pagers, forwarded telephones, or voice mail. There is no acceptable excuse for not calling your recruiter back, other than death – either yours or his.

PreparationEach candidate pledges that they will review all relevant information about the organization provided by the recruiter and do research that is appropriate for the level of the position on which they are working.

RespectScheduling of interviews will occur in a manner that connotes mutual respect for the hiring manager, their time and their efforts, as well as the needs of the company and formalized hiring process.

CommunicationEvery inquiry from your recruiter regarding the status of candidacy or application with him or any other company is worthy of a response.

InformationThe recruiter will be provided with the necessary and truthful information about the candidate, his or her work history, compensation, performance, felony record, drug use, and other legal hiring criteria etc. in order for the recruiter make an informed decision about the candidate’s suitability for the position.

So there you have it. My ideas for the Recruiter’s Bill of Rights. Let’s see what yours are.

About the author, Chief Executive Restaurant Recruiter

Born in Arkansas, moved to FL for 3 years as a youngster. Lived in GA most of my life. Married in 1985, 2 kids, one of each. Graduate of USNA Class of 1980. Love golf, computers, poker, photography, and gadgets.