Job search. If I had a spot on my tie, would you tell me?

Article Title: Job search. If I had a spot on my tie, would you tell me?
Author Byline: Tim Tyrell-Smith @ Spin Strategyâ„¢ – Tools for Intelligent Job Search
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This past Wednesday, as I was driving back to the office from lunch, I saw a man with a curious affliction. Only one, mind you. Nothing that would cause him despair or significant pain, but something serious nonetheless.

To be sure I had it right, I leaned back and rubbernecked. Yep, there it was again. I wondered whether he was aware? Maybe he was aware but didn’t understand about this particular mistake. Maybe he was clueless altogether having not being the proud owner of a mirror. His affliction?

His pants were at least 4 inches above his shoes.

In my younger days I might have shouted “Hey, where’s the flood?”. Lucky for him, I have matured dramatically since my younger days. My first thought as I continued on was about the many other afflictions that can drive an embarrassing or painful moment in one’s life. You may have a few others to add. Here’s my list.

– A food stain on your tie or blouse
– An unzipped zipper
– Your new outfit – out on the town – with a dangling price tag
– Ketchup on your upper lip
– Your skirt caught in the car door

Now here’s the real test. If you saw someone (friend or complete stranger) with one of the above afflictions, would you tell them? Would you avoid the situation altogether so as to not have to be the one to share the bad news?

So tell me. Should I have stopped to tell this man that his pants were wrongly tailored or to remind him that as he grows he needs to buy larger pants?

What if this scenario was changed slightly? What if instead of it being a social issue it was related to job search? Someone you meet at a networking event has a problem that he/she is not aware of . . . and it could mean the difference in getting an interview or getting an offer.

Would you tell them?

So, while the afflictions listed above can clearly play a role in a disappointing result in job search, what are the examples that can “do you in” during a search? Here’s my list:

– A spelling or grammatical error (or two!)
– The misrepresentation of a responsibility or an accomplishment
– The use of a tiny or unreadable font
– Writing in paragraph form vs. easy to digest bullet points
– A lack of specific and measurable accomplishments
– See my Cover Letter Segmentation Study

– Over-eating or over-drinking
– No clear job objectives or target companies
– Not properly dressed

– A lack of interesting or compelling things to say
– Poor interviewing techniques including telling jokes or swearing
– Disguising the real you

– Not paying for lunch
– Being selfish with job leads
– Forget to say “thanks”

– An unprofessional or depressed voice mail message
– Letting your ego get in the way
– Going it alone

OK. So here’s your task. At your next networking event, look for the guy or gal with an affliction. Instead of saying “glad that’s not me”, I’ve got an other option for you . . .

Tell them about it.

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.

About the author, Chief Executive Restaurant Recruiter

Born in Arkansas, moved to FL for 3 years as a youngster. Lived in GA most of my life. Married in 1985, 2 kids, one of each. Graduate of USNA Class of 1980. Love golf, computers, poker, photography, and gadgets.

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