Public Versus Private Online Degree Programs

Article Title: Public Versus Private Online Degree Programs
Author Byline: Joe Nolan, a marketing copywriter for American Sentinel University
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When considering the right university to attend, there are a number of important questions to consider. Many factors such as cost, quality of education, and institutional reputation are caught up in another issue: public versus private higher education. But do the same questions and parameters apply when exploring the option of online, distance learning?

Many online courses or degrees are offered by major public universities with land-based campuses. Other programs are offered strictly online. If you are interested in enrolling in an online-degree program, it is important to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each of these options.

When you are looking into an online degree program that is associated with a land-based university, is it the same as pursuing a traditional degree from that university? Sometimes, but not always. For many institutions, online programming is a brand new offering, and may not compare to the on-campus education they are known for. On the other hand, many universities have wide-ranging, far-reaching online programs that play a major part in their overall offering.

In only a short time, plenty has changed. Online, distance learning is now recognized as a legitimate way to earn a university degree, and is seen as a practical option for students who are already working on a career and a family.

Presently, many online universities are accredited, but do not enroll with any institution before confirming their accreditation status. If you are not sure whether the school of your choice is accredited, you can check with the Department of Education.

One of the first questions that arise when considering an online education is cost. With a private, online-only school, you are dealing with an education model that matches online delivery. As a result, program budgets are extremely frugal when it comes to the number of faculty, staff and infrastructure (and remember – there aren’t any buildings) dedicated to their mission. In other words, online-only schools are lean and mean, and that spells value for students who want to spend their money on learning instead of red tape, development and landscaping.

Another value offered by online-only schools is their focused, industry-current curricula. Online-only universities are dynamic entities that can keep up with industry and technology trends in a way most programs from land-based universities only dream of. Many online-only schools have a small number of industry-specific degrees they specialize in. The result is a real-world education that can begin to build a student’s new skill set as soon as they enroll in their degree program.

Deciding to pursue a degree means spending time finding the program that is right for you. Online degree programs offer a lot of convenience, but that doesn’t make them easier to choose. Be sure to determine the status of any institution’s accreditation. Also, consider the real value of the education you will be receiving in addition to the cost. Will your program be industry-current? Will you be learning cutting-edge, real-world skills, or yesterday’s theory? Most importantly, make sure you find the one-and-only program that is right for you!

By: Joe Nolan, a marketing copywriter for American Sentinel University, an online school that offers specialized degrees in Technology, Business and Healthcare. Founded as a Vanderbilt University Technology Company, American Sentinel University delivers to its students and their employers the competitive advantages of unique online education programs focused on the needs of high-growth sectors. For more information, visit

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching entry-level jobs and other career opportunities.

Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry-level jobs and other career opportunities.

About the author, Chief Executive Restaurant Recruiter

Born in Arkansas, moved to FL for 3 years as a youngster. Lived in GA most of my life. Married in 1985, 2 kids, one of each. Graduate of USNA Class of 1980. Love golf, computers, poker, photography, and gadgets.

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