…continuing my running commentary on the ItzBIG Blog series of articles on the Candidate Bill of Rights.
I read with interest the discussion of “Credibility.” I covered a very similar subject, or I could say a related concern of the job seeker in my post on this site Recruiting Myths – Candidate Resumes.   I talked about recruiters not posting fake jobs and reasons they don’t, including the economics.  That is not to say that some criminal enterprise couldn’t set up a resume mill for the purpose of gathering information to be used in identity theft scams…. but I digress.
For the most part, what is being committed to under the heading of ‘credibility’ is standard practice for good recruiters, since they don’t have to hide behind a mountain of resumes.  I suppose that there are some, a very few, recruiters who may post generic positions when there isn’t a job… but they aren’t doing it with their own money. They are just prolonging the day when the management discovers that they aren’t cutting the mustard and are asked to leave.
The one thing that I find very interesting is the idea that all companies using recruiters should be willing to ‘turn loose the hounds’ so that the best talent out there can be obtained. The majority of of assignments, especially in the contingency world, are given out to get a person to fill the role who meets the minimum standards and brings enough added value to the table to justify the recruiter’s fee. Rarely does a company commit the time, energy, or resources to obtain the best talent, unless it is at the senior executive level, and even then…. I’m not so sure.
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